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Writer's pictureSalem Dems

Meeting Minutes 5.18.21



Members Present: Chris Malstrom, Jeff Cohen, Linda Stark, John Mahoney, Josh Turiel, Alice Merkl, Joan Lovely, Rod Kessler, Diane Fawley, Debbie Everett, Nancy Anderson, John Mahoney, Jerry, Liz Bradt, Debbie S,Chris Fuccione, Marsha Finkelstien*, Michael Cusick, Bruce Cohen, James Willis, Tyler Carlton, Jim Malloy, Sam Guests: Julie Curtis* - DSC, Ben Downing - Democratic Governor Candidate, Eileen Duff - Governors Council, Arthur Powell*, Christopher Lorant, Marilyn Hazel* Recorder: Bonnie Bain* denotes State Committee Members

Call to order at 7:02

Welcome and Introductions

Excited to have Ben and Eileen so that we can speak to democrats about their platforms and be sure to GOTV. Reminder on housekeeping: 1 question, answer, and a quick follow up. If you have more you can go later. If Chris mutes you, nothing personal!

Guest: Ben Downing for Democratic Governor

Ben gives his pitch for Governor. This past year was brutal, and we’re finally seeing the light. That said, MA is hurting and the most vulnerable are exposed. We need leaders to be honest about how we got here and willing to fight to fix it. Saw this first-hand in Pittsfield. Brother and best friend died young and it made him learn to heal in the broken places. Ran for senate at a young age and won. Term limited himself. Has been working in the private sector on climate change solutions. Moved to East Boston where his Irish family history in America began. We need urgency starting with our Governor.


Rod Kessler: Who is your brother, Nick Downing? What will you do for state-wide transportation

A: Nick works for the parking and transportation department in Salem - has been there for 3-4 years. We have a very similar diagnosis to our transportation issues now, that we did in 2007. We need funding through tax reform, and we need to enable and promote regional transportation that aligns metro with regional authorities and every couple years the region votes for their specific region’s transportation.

Jeff Cohen: Like a kid meeting a rockstar. You are accessible and without ego. We have been glad to have you in the Senate. We use to be number one in Solar, now we’re behind. What will you do to make sure we get back to where we were and to a better place?

A: Join the other states and make the commitment to 100% clean energy. Had the opportunity to understand policy in other states through his job in the private sector at Nexamp. We must focus on environmental justice.

Julie Curtis: Danvers Democratic Committee fundraiser - can you come? No matter the errors Baker makes, he seems to be able to come out looking well - how will you make your argument to go after him and make the democrats win.

A: Learn our lessons from the last couple elections. Dems went for the bright shiny object. Don’t make the argument that Baker is similar to Trump and Mconnell. That’s a low bar and it’s not true of Baker. Plans to have a real debate about Baker’s record and the Downing agenda. Baker didn’t use significant political capital to improve the lives of those most in need. We must take on the big issues: Racial justice, economic justice, transportation, etc.

Joan Lovely: A statement, not a colleague. Story of time in the senate when gas pipelines of Pennsylvania were being thought of. Joan and her colleague drove to meet Ben in Western Mass. Needed 2/3rd of the legislature to waive article 97 to allow the pipeline. Ben led the charge to make sure that didn’t pass.

Marsha: Also on the state committee and curious about being sure the democratic party is engaging young people, BIPOC, LGBTQIA, women...and you’re a white guy. Nothing wrong with this but what are you going to do to engage more diversity and representation?

A: Staff is 50% women and POC. Listening first and taking the feedback. Always keeping the voices of those who experience the injustices front and center. On policy, equity and racial justice are part of every policy in this campaign

For any feedback, contact Ben here:; 414 362 6609 (cell)

Guest: Eileen Duff

As electeds we cannot do what we do without you. Municipal election in Dunstable. One of my 38 cities and towns. There were some write-ins from the Republicans. We had to quickly make signs and make sure the election didn’t get lost. These small elections matter for making sure we support each other as democrats and give a platform to Democrats

Something we don’t talk enough about good Government and how it can work for you. Many of us in our roles take it very very seriously. Lovely is a good example of this. She is incredible at being likable and having good relationships. Even if folks don’t agree with her, she has the trust and respect needed.

Whether it’s Ben or someone else at the top of the ticket, we have to work very hard to take that office back. We know that Roe V Wade is in question. Privatized/outsourced the vaccine response - didn’t even outsource to a company in MA. We need to fund good public programs - education, transportation. We have a knowledge economy and a blue collar worker economy. We are well positioned to be in the lead if we have a high speed, high tech transportation system. There is not a shortage of housing. There may not be housing here, but there is in Pittsfield. Transportation should not be about making money, it’s about getting people moving and working. The money comes back if we fix this.


James Willis: Saw column in Lawyers Weekly about Clemency. Any Progress on Gov Baker addressing this issue?

A: Consistently talking about it. Going to Norfolk state prison to take a look at a specific case. Clemency and pardons are important to people. It gives folks an opportunity to work and participate in the system and to get back and integrated. Any time in jail and prison can be debilitating. Had a conversation with a prisoner and said that the punishment never stops. Went at 16, did his time, turned around, did well in school, but couldn’t get a job.

Lovely: Huge fan of councilor Duff. She has a huge district and works hard. Relationships matter in everything we do. The work we do matters so deeply and it’s important to bring respect to that. You’re asking all the questions and all the tough questions when we’re filling judges and magistrates. You push Governor Baker on policy. Your position gives you facetime him more than most on issues that matter so deeply and I couldn’t be more grateful.

A: Started out close with Patrick. Baker was a change. I was tough on him on Twitter and I had to check in and really work on my relationship with Baker because that relationship was tarnished. Relationships are critical and Lovely does an incredible job of emulating how to be successful in getting things done based on the relationships she forms.

Chris wrapps up. Eileen reminds us every vote is important and these small races matter. Boost them when we can.

Business Portion of the Meeting

Review of Meeting Minutes

MOTION to approve minutes for (MEETING DATE): John Mahoney

Seconded: Chris Fuccione

Discussion: James notes some minor edits: Update John M’s name at the end of the notes is incorrect (corrected now), and Matt C is not a member, but a guest (corrected now)

Outcome: Approved

Old Business

Belchertown and War Powers Resolution --

Shall we vote to endorse this or not? To summarize:

  • If we endorse, perhaps we create a subcommittee and/or liaison

  • A few months ago Mike from Belchertown came to speak to us. He and his subcommittee are working on this and he’s speaking to other dem committees to create a grassroots effort.

  • Original War Powers Resolution adopted in 1973 and much is needed to be updated:

    • A new/updated resolution

    • Recognition of war power tech

    • Support Gillibrands efforts

    • Study effectiveness

    • Discuss possible penalties if a president abuses power

Discussion ensues:

  • Rod: can we give an endorsement without a liaison? can we endorse and not take on responsibility

  • John M: I’m all about elections and I don’t think this helps this. I’ve got no intention of talking to my representatives about this as we don’t have majority in the house and senate

  • Chris: we may have an opportunity to work with Moulton more if we push for this

  • Rod: If someone is interested in leading this, I’d support it/them.

  • Josh: I’m not looking to jump into this, but I don’t think this is a grassroots effort that will come through local city committees. I agree with the goals, but this needs to be a national effort.

  • Rod: I wonder if we say we don’t endorse, but we’re happy to hear more about it as it continues.

  • Jeff Cohen: Agreed

  • Josh: Agreed

  • Rod: Agreed

  • John M: Agreed

Motion: We support this effort but cannot endorse at this time.

  • Majority voted for this

  • Chris F Opposed

  • James Willis Present

New Business

John Mahoney on Blueprint to 22

We would be in a much better position if Sarah Gidieon were in the Senate versus Susan Collins. Susan got support from Baker.

With Covid, why didn’t we use the rulebook we put into place after experiencing Anthrax. Baker threw it out the window, and instead went to a private company without the experience.

John is the captain. Need 3 organizers with 25 contacts committed to the push for governor when the time comes.

Membership Sub-committee

Discuss phone banking prior to meetings. Vote Builder gives you the option to call your neighbors and invite them to Dem meetings.

Liz would like to see who wants to do this a week before. Rod says adding membership is a multi-pronged effort. There was a recommendation that link be shared in advance, but Chris shares it’s best we set up a system where folks can register for the meeting in advance to prevent any zoom bombing.

Liz reminds chairs to please reach out to the folks in their neighborhood and to advertise the meetings widely in their respective wards. Elected reps can put it in their newsletter.

Motion: Chris Fuccione and John M Seconds - we are committed to increasing membership.


Those interested in phone banking: Bonnie, Liz Bradt, Linda Stark, John Mahoney, Jim Mulloy

John M follows with a further pitch on getting organized. Republicans are good at throwing a wrench into plans with write-in opposition. Every Sat 3-5 we make strategic calls in and out of state. Only 2% answer and only 80% listen. Most of the folks who want to talk are nice. These are not onerous calls to make.

Announcements (Open Floor)

James Willis - Resignation to the Diversity and Equity Chair. I hope someone will step up. It’s an important position. Happy to talk folks through it:; 9783985922. John M would like to take a role in that by finding someone who speaks Spanish

Julie - Scheduling of the Caucus? Chris says late June/early July and still discussing how it will run. State committee would like to attend. Here are those already set up: Beverly virtual June 26th, Danvers June 19th

Chris reminds that we have the recording for the Salem, Beverly, Marblehead meeting about the Salem Sound. This is now linked on our website. We could work through some settings to give access to members only through our website, to blur folks who don’t want to be on a recording, etc. Website here.

Salem Dems is cosponsoring the Swing Left Virtual Town Hall with Seth Moulton

  • Thursday, June 10th at 5:30 PM

  • Hosted by Swing Left North Shore (we're cosponsoring)

  • Bring your questions for the Congressman!

  • Further details and zoom info forthcoming

June 15th will have Alix of Swing Left North Shore as our speaker.

Note in chat from Christopher Lorant:

MOTION to adjourn made at 8:42: Rod

Seconded:. John

Discussion: none

Outcome: Adjourned

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