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Ranked Choice Voting


In ranked choice voting (RCV), voters have the opportunity to rank the candidates in the order of their preference. Instead of selecting just one candidate, you get to indicate your top choices. Here's how it works: When you receive your ballot, you can assign a rank to each candidate. For example, you can choose your favorite candidate as your first choice, your second favorite as your second choice, and so on. You can rank as many or as few candidates as you like, depending on your preferences. During the vote counting process, the first-choice votes for each candidate are tallied. If a candidate receives more than half of the first-choice votes, they win outright. However, if no candidate has a majority, the candidate with the fewest first-choice votes is eliminated. When a candidate is eliminated, the ballots that originally supported that candidate are not wasted. Instead, the votes are redistributed to the remaining candidates based on the next preference indicated on those ballots. This process continues, eliminating the candidate with the fewest votes and redistributing the votes, until one candidate reaches the majority and is declared the winner. Ranking candidates allows voters to have a say in the outcome even if their top choice does not win. It gives voters the ability to express their preferences more fully and ensures that their votes have a greater impact. By accommodating multiple choices, ranked choice voting promotes fairness and representation in elections.

Salem Democrats made a significant decision in April 2023 by endorsing Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) for Salem.Join the Salem Dems as we push for this proven voting method that is used worldwide and in cities like New York and Maine. With RCV, you can rank candidates in order of preference, ensuring your voice is heard and votes are not wasted. Let's promote fair representation and diversity in our elected officials. Sign the petition and learn more at

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